15 tips to double your Twitter Engagement
June 9, 2014|Posted in: SEO, Social Media
Main goal of using Twitter is to engage audience, but surveys says that awareness about brand or product misleads the goal. Usually branding or product awareness can be done using other Medias like advertisements and promotions. Even though 25% of top brands use Twitter as a broadcasting medium other than just engaging audience. But the problem is instead of positive awareness people may get mislead and may lose their interest with the brand.
Hey, don’t worry about engaging your audience. We can offer some tips to improve your Twitter engagement!
1. Understand your audience
Identify your audience first; you can then adjust your posting and addressing style according to your audience. Always use a style which helps others to learn from your content. If anything can be conveyed more easily using graphs, charts or pictures then use them.
2. Convey your views
While writing a blog or a post the main thing to bear in mind is that always stick on to your opinions and views. Otherwise it would be difficult for your followers to determine what your interests are.
3. Use numbers and statistics
Always try to use statistical details in your content, which will be easily remembered by your followers. It creates a feeling that you have considerable knowledge in the particular topic.
4. Use images
Use images with highlighted quotes. Humans process images 60,000 times faster than plain content.
5. Re share your posts
Once you have posted anything you should re share it in such a frequency that its freshness wouldn’t lose. This will help to maximize your audience reach.
6. Don’t hesitate to give credit
If you have shared or you have got a motivation from some others then give credit to the deserved person.
7. Say hello
When you have e new follower, say hello and invite them to your group, make them feel they are also important.
8. Respond to comments
Respond to comments as far as possible. This will definitely help you to get more followers. Always keep in mind that you don’t need to be argumentative.
9. Follow people
If you want followers be generous and follow others . But select whom to follow according to your requirement.
10. Tweet at a peak time
Time plays an important role. Tweet at a time when you have maximum listeners.
11. Make your tweets short
Always try to be precise and short otherwise no one would re tweet.
12. Start conversations
Don’t be shy to start a conversation. You can always start conversations with closed or open questions.
13. Be helpful and ask for help
If you really need a suggestion or help ask out. It will create a feeling that you are real.
14. Use Hash tags
Hash tags make your content more discoverable. Its simple, just put a ‘# ‘ in front of a word or phrase. For example #smo tips,#seo tricks.
15. Repeat what works
Last but not least repeat those strategies which have worked for you.
These techniques will definitely help you.
Share your suggestions and results with us.
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